September 2021 Tidbits
(Equal Standing Pose)
Lift up your foot arches, kneecaps, quadriceps, and navel.
Weight your coccyx and perform Uddiyana Bandha (Belly Flying Up Gesture); tilt your pelvis to neutral.
Broaden your chest and roll your shoulders back into the side plane.
Vertically align your head, torso, pelvis, legs and feet.
From Teaching Yoga With Verbal Cues by David Garrigues
There is nothing you can understand about the world that can capture the truth of your life in this moment because concepts are simply the wrong tools for the job. There is nothing you can think about physics or psychology say, or about your personal history that can reach more deeply into this moment than you are simply recognizing that you are identical to experience. You are not having an experience. You are not on the outside looking in. As a matter of experience, there is no periphery from which to do that. There is only experience and recognizing this fact is meditation.
“Fear wears so many clever disguises it is virtually impossible to always recognize it. Fear disguises itself as the need to be somewhere else, doing something else, not knowing how to do something or not needing to do something.” ~ Iyanla Vanzant
Moving to a New City - Zen Story (Author Unknown)
There was a person coming to a new village, relocating, and he was wondering if he would like it there, so he went to the Zen master and asked: “Do you think I will like it in this village? Are the people nice?”
The master asked back: “How were the people in the town where you come from?”
“They were nasty and greedy, they were angry and lived for cheating and stealing,” said the newcomer.
“Those are exactly the type of people we have in this village” said the master.
Another newcomer to the village visited the master and asked the same question, to which the master asked: “How were the people in the town where you come from?”
“They were sweet and lived in harmony, they cared for one another and for the land, they respected each other, and they were seekers of spirit,” he replied.
“Those are exactly the type of people we have in this village,” said the master.
Peace is This Moment Without Judgment
Do you think peace requires an end to war?
Or tigers eating only vegetables?
Does peace require an absence from
your boss, your spouse, yourself? …
Do you think peace will come some other place than here?
Some other time than Now?
In some other heart than yours?
Peace is this moment without judgment.
That is all. This moment in the Heart-space
where everything that is is welcome.
Peace is this moment without thinking
that it should be some other way,
that you should feel some other thing,
that your life should unfold according to your plans.
Peace is this moment without judgment,
this moment in the heart-space where
everything that is is welcome.
Dorothy Hunt
From the introduction to Awake…My intention in writing this book was to lay out a clear, potent, and comprehensive guide to help you navigate the endeavor of waking up to your unbound, undivided nature. Its purpose is to provide a practical and relatable means by which anyone who has the inclination to wake up can do so. It’s a roadmap that shows you how to use the tools that you already possess to access that which is your birthright.
& an excerpt, “…it is a shift from continuously referencing concepts and beliefs about who you are for a sense of identity, consistency, meaning, and fulfillment to resting in and as consciousness.” (p. 50)
(I do not recommend books lightly. They must be at least a clear 9 on my 10-point scale for me to do so; Angelo DiLullo’s Awake meets that bar. It is not a quick read, but it is a must one for anyone interested in this subject—imho!)